Friday 27 March 2015

Cookies …..a taste you can never forget

 Cookies from home……..a taste you can never forget, a charm you can never resist.  These were the lines, I saw many years ago, when I was a child. Yes I can still remember my father took me to a cookie shop. It was full of cookies, brownies. For me it happened like a dream come true. I still feel nostalgic, whenever I come across that kind of fragrance of baking. It was truly awesome. I am working as a medical professional; I hardly get time to cook things that I always love to eat, as that would demand for more time from my very tight schedule. So whenever I get time for myself
I go to a cookie store, near to my house and spend my time over there. That store has everything which comes under my favorite label and with all has an extensive range of flavors or cookie gifts. Many times I just order their special coffee. The aroma of that place keeps me inviting and I just cannot resist. I follow my heart and eventually I find myself surrounded by cookies, brownie gifts. That’s how my relation with that cookie store has been flourishing, blooming.
Many times I take my bunch of friends, colleagues to that store and as like me they also love to take their loved ones to that place. Two weeks back I organized my party as I had got promotion. So to share this great moment I chose to get the things from that store, which really made my time. I got appreciation from my friends for serving them amazingly baked things. I had ordered a list of few items like salted brown butter, triple treats, raisin ‘r oats and in brownies I chose chocolate chip cookie brownie, walnut brownie and other Gluten free gifts. And these brownie/cookies were accompanied by coffee which made all the things yummier. Really I had a great time with all my invitees. Many of my known have now started ordering those crispy, sweet cookies from the same store.
That cookie store has been keeping the image of best bakery store for the past many years. With time I have seen a significant growth in the number of visitors and orders. I felt very happy, when I got to know about the facilities that store provides through website or telephone, now any one get access to that famous cookie. Now for any occasion, with reason or without reason, its winter, summer or any season, I can share these freshly baked cookies/brownie or Gift baskets with my loved ones. When I lack the words to express my emotions/sentiments I just order a customized gift and make the things happen, with lots of cheer. Well cookies have always been favorite of mine but this cookie store has made me wonder many times by keeping the things in high quality. Cookies give me the platform to make many things lovely and memorable. Though times have been changing fast but nothing has the power to compete with homely baked cookies. Just for once treat yourself with these magical cookies and you will definitely love to get more and more.

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